Tuesday 8 May 2012

Why the Blog got its name

When I decided to create this journal of my venture into a more professional level of writing, I wanted to give it a name that reflected something about my writing in general. When I stopped and thought about it, I thought the perfect point would be my inability to find that initial spark of inspiration.

Of course, a Muse was one of a group of Greek Goddesses who helped inspired artists to produce great works.It has since been used to signify a person, normally a woman, who helps an artist, again normally a male, to achieve more than if he laboured alone. To some writers, the Muse is that indefinable something that allows them to put the words down on paper. Since I have a problem with that initial inspiration, I called myself 'Museless', and the content of this blog are my musings, or thoughts about such a state.

That, for me, is my greatest weakness. To see, hear or experience something and go "Hey, that would make a great story!" Of course, it's easily done if I want to violate copyright, intellectual property or a host of other similar related laws and concepts. But to find that germ of an idea that I can then build on? I have better luck finding hen's teeth.

When I have an idea, or when I have been collaborating with someone else and they have put forth the premise or initial idea, then I find it rather easy to build on it. More often than not, it is guiding it as it grows by itself into something truly wonderful to read. Sometimes the ideas come thick and fast almost flooding my mind. Other times, they come in rushes that allow me time to collect the thoughts, put them down and organise them properly. The ones I like the most are where one of the main characters actually talks to me, telling me their point of view concerning a scene, or I actually see the scene in my mind's eye.

So I have often pondered how to get around this. Possibly reading news articles, web posts on various topics. Maybe trying a Google random search perhaps? I have wondered if finding images may serve as a prompt. I guess instead of wondering, it would be better to try them and see what happens.

Another thought that literally crossed my mind is that if I had an idea of a genre in mind first, such as SciFi, Fantasy, Suspense, etc, then I went looking for my inspiration, that I might have greater success that trying to look blindly as I have in the past. I think I will definitely give that one a god and see where it leads me.

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