Tuesday 25 December 2012

Where did the time go?

Yes, it has been a while since I last posted, but my real life has been interesting in the not so good ways. One of the key issues that befell me during my time away was a 3 week stay in a mental health hospital, getting my medication sorted out, as well as attending a course on how to better deal with my depression. Unlike the first time I took it, some five years ago, this time everything clicked and made sense to me. Which was a good thing.

Expect for my ability to write. The time in hospital also churned up a lot of lingering "mental rubbish" which took me a while to clean up, then I started getting my life back into some semblance of order.Needless to say, my ability to put coherent words down as impossible. Even putting down notes, reminders and good ideas was not there. Even other hobbies which brought me a great deal of joy were severely lacking in anything close to the previous levels of pleasure.

But I would sit myself down in front of the computer, open the word processor with the current batch of short stories and other works opened, and see if anything sprang into my mind. More often than not, nothing would be there, and I would feel very frustrated. Some days I would wonder why I was sitting down at trying it, but I still did it. Again, I would walk away frustrated that the words were not there.

A couple of weeks ago, the words came trickling back. For a little while, this left me even more frustrated than having no words, because I knew that I could write more! But after much effort, I reminded myself that it was good to have the words come out as they did. Each time, more words came out, or the same number would come out quicker and easier. Right now, late on Christmas Day, the words are flowing more than before, but I am still a long way from where I would like do be. But I know, if I keep persevering, I will get there once more.

I can now better understand the people who say "write every day". Just sitting down and trying to write must have budged the log jam loose in my head. Each day since, I have written something, either in one of my many projects that are moving along slowly, or just for fun on a website that I frequent. But each day, more words come out, painting pictures in words of the images I have in my mind.

I'll be posting a few more examples of my work in the next few days, along with some other information and inspiration that I have received from the most unlikely of sources.